iTunes Store screen is blank?
August 12, 2013 11:52 AM   Subscribe

All of the sudden my iTunes Store screen on my Macbook Pro is blank. I'm using the latest version of iTunes and it's not a network problem as my iPad and iPhone connect fine. Help?

All support help seems to point to this problem with Windows, but I'm not using Windows obviously. Before I book into the Genius Bar, do you have any suggestions? I'm about to go on holiday and wanted to stock up the laptop with stuff...
posted by meerkatty to Computers & Internet (6 answers total)
Assuming you have the most recent iTunes, have you tried clicking around on the iTunes top bar items?

The button at top right should read Library (meaning you are now looking at the store). If it says "iTunes Store" it means click this to go to the store. It is confusing and just one of many things I hate about iTunes.
posted by epo at 12:44 PM on August 12, 2013

Response by poster: Yes, it's not that. I am in the iTunes store and it loads and is just a blank, white screen.
posted by meerkatty at 2:07 PM on August 12, 2013

This will sound really stupid and I swear I don't mean it that way. But after I read your question, I opened iTunes (11.0.4(4) on Mountain Lion 10.8.4) and clicked on the Store tab, and got a blank screen.

Aha, I thought, it must actually be down.

But then I realized that I was scrolled down the page, and there was a blank white space after the end of the featured items but before the fine print at the bottom of the window. The new vanishing scroll bars make this harder to realize at first glance.

So: Are you scrolled all the way to the top of the window?
posted by RedOrGreen at 3:09 PM on August 12, 2013

Response by poster: I wish it was that easy - I would have been thrilled to be so stupid! There is nothing to scroll....nothing happens. Just a blank, white screen. I can switch back to my Library and everything is fine, it's just the Store.
posted by meerkatty at 3:14 PM on August 12, 2013

But you can load web pages, get email, etc., yes? You're posting to Metafilter from that machine? You can stream Netflix or Youtube?

The usual troubleshooting routine then is to force-quit iTunes, turn off your network interface (wifi, I guess), possibly put the machine to sleep for a bit, then re-join the network and restart iTunes. Have you done that already?

One small possibility is that whatever network provider you're using is (inadvertently) blocking the iTunes store, although that should lead to widespread howling. Maybe a misconfigured router somewhere?

Other than that, sorry - I got nothing.
posted by RedOrGreen at 6:53 AM on August 13, 2013

Response by poster: Thanks, but nope. Tried that. And I can access the iTunes store via my network provider on my iPad with no problem as well.
posted by meerkatty at 3:35 PM on August 13, 2013

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