Selling Comics on eBay
May 13, 2013 7:55 AM

I'm tired of my four long boxes of comic books from my youth taking up closet space. I'm going to be selling them on eBay, as you do. I need your tips, tricks, and advice.

The comics are from roughly 1986 through 1991 and most have not been boarded (though all are bagged). I realize most of these have little value and are best sold in lots (like key story lines or lots of a particular title). From what I can tell, most eBay comic sellers ship the comics bagged and boarded.

My main question is: Is it worth buying boards for four long boxes full of 1986-1991 comics (mostly Batman and Marvel A-listers (Spider-Man, X-Men, etc.) or will I be able to sell these for a decent price without boards?

Any other tips or tricks I should know about? (I've pulled my most valuable ones and will be sending them to CGC, so I'm already on top of that.)
posted by entropicamericana to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (5 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
Again, I'm pretty well covered on the generalities, my primary question is: Is it worth buying boards for four long boxes full of 1986-1991 comics (mostly Batman and Marvel A-listers (Spider-Man, X-Men, etc.) or will I be able to sell these for a decent price without boards?
posted by entropicamericana at 8:17 AM on May 13, 2013

It can be worth trying to sell complete runs as a lot, but unless you've got really stupidly valuable individual issues it's really not worth bothering with trying to sell those piecemeal.

Be honest about condition, take as many photos as you can, and go with USPS Media Mail for shipment (comics are heavy!) unless the buyer's paying you for faster.

I'd sell without the boards, anybody who would be buying them would be able to acquire boards on their own or already have plenty, and it saves you a bit on shipping.
posted by asperity at 8:19 AM on May 13, 2013

i did this a year ago (in the UK). I picked out any issues with any value to sell individually, I had a few signed copies, and sold the rest in themes, i.e all the DC or all the Batman etc. i was amused to find the issues I had treasured years ago were now pretty much worthless. Selling them as lots means they won't sit around on Ebay forever. If you price them favourably then some buyer will be interested enough to pay postage. Just pull out any ones which hold memories first!
posted by 0 answers at 8:59 AM on May 13, 2013

No, it's not worth buying boards. I don't know what you consider "a decent price," and therefore it's challenging to answer the narrow either/or question you've structured. But if I were committed to selling four boxes of Batman, Spider-Man, and X-Men comics from 1986–1991, I would not bother buying boards. Yes, most eBay sellers ship that way, but that's not your question.
posted by cribcage at 9:26 AM on May 13, 2013

I expect the costs would far outweigh any increase in profits. Maybe for the top 5% of your collection, but for the lots I wouldn't bother.
posted by Meagan at 9:42 AM on May 13, 2013

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