Appearance fee for me?
October 28, 2012 2:54 PM   Subscribe

How much should the appearance fee be?

I'm being asked to appear at a convention in Las Vegas next spring. I'm a cartoonist who has done extensive work in the industry and a company wants me to sit, draw, talk and generally be entertaining on their behalf. They are paying flight and hotel and are asking me what I would want as a daily appearance fee on top. Thing is, I don't know how to come up with that fee. Is it my hourly rate? Is there an industry standard for this sort of thing? Of course, I'm looking to justly account for my time without taking advantage of generous sponsors. Anyone have any experience with this type of appearance that could provide me a range of options? Thanks.
posted by lpsguy to Grab Bag (2 answers total)
It sounds more like working than an "appearance". Hourly rate seems justified.
posted by davebush at 3:03 PM on October 28, 2012

Yeah and if you want to make it useful for them just say "My standard day rate is $X" or even "My standard day rate ranges from $X to $Y" and then you can handle a range of responses.

I get paid to go places and speak and these events range from well-sponsored industry things to teeny non-profit things to "It's an honor to even be invited" things to "I am the draw that is bringing people to this event" things. You may want to think about where you think your presence at this thing will fall along that sort of scale and also how much of a hassle it will be for you to go [ranging from "I would go even if there was no payment" to "This is going to drag me away from my friends and family and I will probably wind up with the flu"] and aim somewhere in the middle.

My range, in a different industry is anywhere from travel expenses and a burrito (when I speak at library schools) to a few hundred bucks to low four figures for something that is a big moneymaker or where I am keynoting or where I am one of the larger draws. Do not know how to adjust this for cartooning, but hopefully someone can help you tweak these numners for your industry.
posted by jessamyn at 3:28 PM on October 28, 2012 [1 favorite]

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