Book Jacket For Powerbook?
August 16, 2005 11:17 AM   Subscribe

Apple Positions their notebook computers as "books"; what I'm looking for is, essentially a Powerbook Book Jacket.

Apple Positions their notebook computer as a "book"; what I'm looking for is, essentially a Powerbook Book Jacket, like the jackets on books,e.g., in libraries; something that stays on my Powerbook, protecting it's rather fragile exterior from the dangers of life in NYC (and my messenger bag, to a point). Apple Store doesn't sell one; does anyone else?
posted by ParisParamus to Computers & Internet (15 answers total)
Response by poster: And no, not a case you remove to use the powerbook; that's something else....
posted by ParisParamus at 11:18 AM on August 16, 2005

They're called 'sleeves'. Google is your friend.
posted by holgate at 11:20 AM on August 16, 2005

Best answer: Oh, this.
posted by holgate at 11:21 AM on August 16, 2005

This MacRumors thread was interesting.
posted by SeizeTheDay at 11:27 AM on August 16, 2005

The phrase I've commonly seen associated with this style is "work-in-case".
posted by jjg at 11:31 AM on August 16, 2005

posted by mkultra at 11:34 AM on August 16, 2005

Response by poster: Thanks; a SLEEVZ is precisely what I DON'T WANT.
posted by ParisParamus at 11:55 AM on August 16, 2005

Response by poster: One question: any feeback on the work-in cases' ability to conduct heat? Powerbook already disconcertingly hot; don't want to melt the G4 chip, etc...
posted by ParisParamus at 11:57 AM on August 16, 2005

Back for Ask and Ask only, Paris.

You're asking for two different things: adequate knock protection without bulk is always going to limit airflow and heat dispersal. You could always jerry-rig something, like sticking an 8.5x11 aluminium sheet into the work-in case as an additional heatsink, or combining it with a CoolPad. (I have an iLap; my iBook's fan never fires up when I use it.)
posted by holgate at 12:24 PM on August 16, 2005

ParisParamus, it sounds like you want MacSkinz. (A MacSkinz? A MacSkin?) They are indeed a "work-in-case" notebook "jacket"; unfortunately, the company don't seem to be manufacturing the iBook/Powerbook covers at this time, but it might be worth checking every once in a while if you can't find a similar product elsewhere.
posted by bpt at 12:28 PM on August 16, 2005

I use a case I bought from Shinza: Zero Shock Case.
posted by chunking express at 12:32 PM on August 16, 2005

Second the Zero Shock Case. I just open mine and my Powerbook is always in it. Not too bad.
posted by ig at 12:44 PM on August 16, 2005

holgate, I recently purchased the iLap and seem to be having a bit of trouble with it. I have a 12 inch PB 1.33; but after an hour or so, the fan invariably kicks on and the temp never dips low enough for it to turn off. I accidently stuck the little plastic feet that came with the iLap onto the device, which raises the PB a couple of millimeters (which I think is a mistake because the closer the iLap is to the PB, the better the chance of both aluminums being able to dissipate the heat). Any comments on this?
posted by SeizeTheDay at 1:52 PM on August 16, 2005

Personally, I'd be afraid of melting my precious by leaving it one of them thar work-in-sleeves. My Malware treats my precious right. But then, it's your $$$, PP.
posted by keswick at 2:37 PM on August 16, 2005

Foofbags are great if you decide to go for a sleeve instead of a jacket option.
posted by Navek Rednam at 3:00 PM on August 16, 2005

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