Arguments against reincarnation
October 3, 2012 10:36 AM   Subscribe

What are some arguments against the idea of reincarnation?

Other than "there's no scientific proof" or "it's not in the bible" what else is there?

I'm agnostic but after much reading I've concluded that I am beginning to believe the possibility of consciousness existing after our body has died. Reading further, many people give convincing ideas that reincarnation does happen but the only problem with it is I HATE the concept.

I don't want to start all over a new life, I don't want to be a different person, I don't want to forget the ones I love, I like who I am and I don't want to change. If I'm in a better state why would I go back to some planet/dimension where pain, suffering, and such exists? Some people who believe in reincarnation say it's possible my husband may come back as my son in another life....WEIRD O.o

The reason I find it convincing is because in documented near death experiences, some people have been able to describe particular instruments physical design in detail without ever seeing it. Keep in mind they are unconscious. Some scientists have a theory that our energy lives on and that's one explanation. Believers in reincarnation keeps science in mind with energy is not created nor destroyed but transferred thus transferred in a different body.

Some people argue that "There's more population now than there ever was before so how is it possible?" One explanation is that souls are not finite, there are other planets/dimensions, souls are not limited to just humans.

Can anyone convince me with theories on why reincarnation doesn't exist? It seems convincing to me and I don't want to believe in it although I'm not 100% sure in anything. I'd RATHER believe in NOTHING happening but I can't force myself to believe that. Ideally, I'd want some how to just be eternally happy in some state, do whatever the hell I want, and if I want to see my loved ones I'm able to do that but of course this isn't logical and neither possible to imagine.

Sorry for this. It's just been bugging me and that's been on my mind all the time.
posted by Asian_Hunnie to Religion & Philosophy

This post was deleted for the following reason: This is such a huge topic and so inherently unanswerable at a concrete level that a question that's taking the "convince me of this metaphysical premise" approach is really basically chatfilter and not workable for askme. If you want to rework this as a far more focused request for specific philosophical/metaphysical resources or something next week, that might work. -- cortex

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