I already know about and use CAA/Chronicle/HigherEdJobs, what else is there?
September 24, 2012 1:54 PM   Subscribe

Academics: Is there a source listing open US community college art teaching positions or sources for international art teaching positions? I already know about and use CAA/Chronicle/HigherEdJobs. I would like to broaden my open positions search.
posted by vegartanipla to Education (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Not sure if there are resources specific to art education jobs, but you've already hit the big sources where most higher ed jobs are posted.

During my last search, which was geographically constrained, I bookmarked the HR pages for every single institution within my region of interest. There are always schools that for one reason or another will fail to post on external sites so this is a good failsafe. Your question indicates that you may be willing to travel - so it may not be feasible to periodically check the websites for every school across a large region of the country or internationally - but that's for you to parse.

Also, note that many schools typically use adjuncts for fine arts courses, especially in the absence of an established and prestigious department. Most schools will continuously collect resumes/CVs for adjunct positions to have a readily-available pool. So you may not find many postings for the types of positions you want unless they are tenure-track. If their HR sites indicate that they will continuously accept and bank applications for adjunct status you should submit yourself for them now. You never know when you'll be contacted to fill a spot.

And of course - many schools that do open tenure-track positions will give unspoken preference to their current adjuncts if they like them - so don't be discouraged by adjunct only positions as it will at least get your foot in the door.
posted by trivia genius at 2:25 PM on September 24, 2012

Seconding what trivia genius says above. Some US states have listings for all jobs at their public colleges.
posted by mareli at 3:01 PM on September 24, 2012

jobs.ac.uk exists. What percentage of openings get listed, I don't know.
posted by hoyland at 6:40 PM on September 24, 2012

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