What's a good, cheap speakerphone?
July 21, 2005 2:00 PM   Subscribe

What's a good, cheap, corded speakerphone?

I've tried to cut the cord from my wired phone but I am finding myself having to participate in conference calls overseas and my cellphone will often drop the call. I still have my basic POTS phone line but with a cordless phone w/o a speakerphone (and I'll forget to put it on the cradle to recharge so it is never usable).

So I'm looking for a basic corded phone with speakerphone (doesn't have to have office quality sound like a Polycom) but I should be able to hear the conversation and be able to pipe up when called upon. I don't need voicemail or caller ID or other bells and whistles.
posted by birdherder to Home & Garden (2 answers total)
Find one that works (test it) at a garage sale. $5.
posted by catkins at 1:22 PM on July 22, 2005

Clarification: People shed corded phones all the time in favor of cordless phones. Garage sales, E*Bay, you name it.

Unfortunately, $ also follows speakerphone quality. The cheaper it is, the fewer bells & whistles there are, like echo/feedback canceling, decent amplification, etc.

Brand-wise, most good quality home electronic brand names will work well.
posted by catkins at 1:26 PM on July 22, 2005

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