Modernism via Bus.
May 9, 2012 9:44 PM   Subscribe

How easy is it to use public transportation to get from Frank A. Sedita City Court to the Albright Knox on a Friday Afternoon.

I am going to be in Buffalo, and the two things I want to see are the Frank A. Sedita City Court and the Albright Knox, they seem very far apart, and the google transport directions seem wonky.
posted by PinkMoose to Travel & Transportation around Buffalo, NY (7 answers total)
Best answer: Very. I used to take the bus from the court house to two stops before the Knox. Check out the NFTA's website for bus schedules.
posted by munchingzombie at 9:50 PM on May 9, 2012

Response by poster: do you know how long it will take?
posted by PinkMoose at 9:52 PM on May 9, 2012

Best answer: 20 minutes about. If the weather is nice it is about an hour long walk.

And I know you didn't ask but if you are in need of a meal Bistro Europa is my favorite nation restaurant in town and on the route between the two.
posted by munchingzombie at 10:43 PM on May 9, 2012

Response by poster: that makes it super easy, thanks so much munching zombie
posted by PinkMoose at 10:49 PM on May 9, 2012

Best answer: Another way to go might be to take the luxury subway-ette to the *looks* Humboldt or Amherst St stations, walk from there to the Darwin-Martin house, and then walk through Delaware Park to the museum.
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 10:50 PM on May 9, 2012 [1 favorite]

Xenophobe, can you make yr directions slightly clearer

Take the "subway" (it will be above ground there) from downtown to Humboldt St and then...

Google maps
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 7:07 AM on May 10, 2012

Mod note: Folks, don't taunt the people who are asking for help. Thanks.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 1:07 PM on May 10, 2012

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