Help me identify an old Looney Tunes cartoon with a crooning rooster and baby boys?
April 2, 2012 7:04 PM   Subscribe

I'm trying to find the name of an old Looney Tunes cartoon featuring a crooning rooster giving advice on how to have baby boys.

I remember watching an old Looney Tunes episode involving chickens. It opens with a rooster complaining about how he keeps having baby chicks but all of them are girls. He hears another rooster crooning outside, something like, "Oh I've got a lot/bunch of beautiful babies, and every one of them is a boy." The singing rooster is pushing a baby carriage with a bunch of boys in it. The first rooster asks this Frank Sinatra- or Bing Crosby-like rooster how he does it. The crooning rooster demonstrates by serenading a nearby hen who lays a mountain of eggs, all labeled with boys' names. The first rooster tries this technique at home and then bursts into song: "At last I'm gonna have a boy, oh joy," or something like that.

I'm curious because I suddenly realized today what a weird cartoon that was.

Anyway, my internet search for this cartoon keeps coming back to a Porky Pig cartoon called "Swooner Crooner," in which Porky hires a Bing-Crosby-like rooster to serenade his hens so they produce more eggs for the war effort. This is similar to the cartoon I'm thinking of, and may even involve the same rooster, but it's definitely not the right cartoon.

Any help would be appreciated!
posted by suimin to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: "Slap Happy Pappy." It's also on YouTube.
posted by jedicus at 7:07 PM on April 2, 2012 [2 favorites]

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