Confessions Of An Irish Rebel - is this a one-party taping state?
March 20, 2012 10:10 AM

Is it possible to find a recording of Shay Duffin's "Confessions Of An Irish Rebel" in a semi-recent format? I have an old copy of it on cassette from my parents, but I haven't listened to it in years because, well: cassette.
posted by yerfatma to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
For other readers, the album in question is actually called Shay Duffin Is Brendan Behan and was issued on Potato Records (Canada) in 1972, catalogue #POT-3202.

It doesn't appear to have been reissued; only one company claims to have a copy, via an unverified third-party seller, at $80 for a vinyl transfer on CD-R. Other copies extant appear to be original vinyl LPs (at a much more reasonable price).

But if you want the cassette transferred on professional gear, MeMail me.
posted by mykescipark at 12:25 PM on March 20, 2012

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