Looking for info about online video
December 5, 2011 1:07 PM   Subscribe

What are some good resources to learn about creating and implementing online video?

I'm working to set up online video classes (offered for a fee). What web sites, forums, books, etc. are there that serve as a good introductory instruction for creating videos and; more important, putting them online?
posted by jabo to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: There are three approaches that people typically take to achieve this:

1) Take a video class. This is the best one-stop solution to the diverse problems you're going to encounter. Furthermore, the class will help you with style issues (which are SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than the nuts and bolts stuff).

2) Figure out what the components of your project are and hone your research in each of these areas. Some potential components are: camera and audio gear, computer editing gear, if you're teaching a computer program it's helpful to have a program that records your screen as you use the computer, lighting, online distribution. Each of these topics are easily searchable and widely available on many different sites. For example, you can simply YouTube search a lot of this and get a lot of answers. For very technical questions, go to a video forum (I like Creative Cow).

3) Just jump in and make a video. If you don't have something you need, like a camera, then research that, buy one and continue. Just expect your first videos to be terrible. Compare them to other work out there. When you see another video do something better than start doing it like that.

Books are gonna be hard to find. The technology just changes too quick. Forums are generally the best, but there will be no single forum that answers all your questions.

Finally: if you're interested in making a web site that broadcasts your videos after people pay you to see them--I HIGHLY RECOMMEND hiring a pro web site builder.

(video professor)
posted by Murray M at 6:03 PM on December 7, 2011

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