Who is Buzzy Bus?
December 5, 2011 11:41 AM   Subscribe

Who is Buzzy Bus?

I really like these two great speed garage tracks called "You Don't Stop" and "Jump" by Buzzy Bus, but I can't find any information about this artist anywhere on the web. Can anyone shed some light on who it is?
posted by Aethelwer to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
Not sure who that is, but the name seems like a play off one of Busta Rhymes nicknames (bussa-bus).
posted by cashman at 11:43 AM on December 5, 2011

Best answer: I can't believe I'm about to link to youtube comments, but it looks like they may be an Italian group produced by Mauro Gazzotti, Corrado Vacondio, and Gianluca Lul.
posted by slmorri at 12:45 PM on December 5, 2011

slmorri's got it. Check here. Looks like they've only released three singles.
posted by Specklet at 4:46 PM on December 5, 2011

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