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October 21, 2011 7:08 AM

My parents' new Shih Tzu is going to be staying with us next weekend (us=2 people, 1 dachshund, 2 torties, & 1 betta). Do you have any tips or tricks for reassuring & keeping pets away from home happy?

Some details about the little guy (here's a recent picture of him modeling his Halloween costume): My parents got him from a Shih Tzu rescue at the beginning of September; he's three years old. He had been in foster care for 1 month, but that was after he healed from serious injuries at a vet's office. He had been brought to the vet in February. This little guy has had a very difficult life. My mother is devoted to my new "little brother," and I know she wouldn't leave him at all if this weekend trip hadn't been planned a year ahead. He's visited our house before and met all the animals. Our dog, Tinker, gets along with him (they've hung out 4-5 times); the cats ignore him.

Is there anything we can do to make the weekend easy(er) for him? He's coming out of his shell with my parents--playing, exploring, getting down to the business of being a happy dog. I'm scared that he'll think that he's being abandoned yet again. Is there anything my parents can do to prepare him for the weekend trip, anything to let him know that his new owners are coming back for him on Sunday? Thanks in advance for all ideas! (I tried Google, but I don't want to start a pet-sitting business or take my pet on vacation with me...and mefi pet owners are smarter anyway.)
posted by Kronur to Pets & Animals (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I think for a weekend you'll be fine. Shih Tzus, for all of their other quirks (poop eating, for one) are tough little dogs generally, though not as neurotic as, say, a similarly sized terrier. If he's used to getting all the attention, make sure he gets some time.

If he has a bed/pillow/towel/blanket or crate that he sleeps on/in, make sure it comes over with him so he's got a familiar little patch of home. He may have a grand time with your dog over the weekend and the time should pass pretty quickly for him.
posted by jquinby at 7:14 AM on October 21, 2011

I think you might be giving the dog a little too much credit. It's really very unlikely that he's going to go through an existential crisis; at best he might worry a bit. You are not a stranger to the dog, and more importantly your dog is not a stranger to the dog, and dogs have basically no sense of time, so once he gets to your familiar-but-not-too-familiar place it's all SMELLS! and NICEPEOPLES! and SOMEONE ELSE'S FOOD WOO!

He will sense your stress, though, so it's important that you not act like this is the worst thing that's ever happened to him. Be happy to see him, don't be all up in his face, let him rest when he wants to rest (it'll be a lot of excitement, so he'll need it), let him do his doggy thing within reason. That plus treats should make for a fine weekend for him. And then your parents will come back and HEY NICEPEOPLES and he'll be super happy, which is good for him.
posted by Lyn Never at 7:18 AM on October 21, 2011

He is a very cute dog. He's not likely to feel he's been a abandoned---because that's a human emotion that includes attributing motive and anticipating the future. If dogs could think this way, he'd be just as likely to think "cool! Summer camp!"

Its encouraging that he's been to your home before. He might experience something like anxiety as in "not sure how to get food from this person. Will this work? What about this?"

Also--he's likely to pee a bit in the house, to mark. That's normal.
posted by vitabellosi at 7:20 AM on October 21, 2011

Having the similar-sized dog around (provided your dog likes your mom's dog) will probably be the best thing to keep the dog distracted from the fact that he's away from home. Dogs don't really realize time very well; whether it's an hour or a weekend, the dog probably isn't going to notice the difference. If your mom's dog has been dropped off for playtime before, this probably seem like the bestest playtime ever. Except maybe when it gets dark and everyone goes to sleep, because your mom's dog hasn't experienced that at your house before. That's where having his bed from home (or pillow, or blankie, or crate, or whatever) will help.

But, if the dog is sad that he's separated, don't go to overboard in your concern for its emotional wellbeing. The dog will catch your worried vibes, and begin to worry about itself. "Boy, I was just sad about Mom leaving, but this other nice human is totally freaking out over me -- AM I DYING???" If the dog wants to sit and mope, that's OK, the dog will get over it as soon as your parents pick him up. More than likely, if the dog gets mopey, your dachshund will come over and be all PLAYPLAYPLAYPLAY and your mom's dog will forget about it.
posted by AzraelBrown at 7:30 AM on October 21, 2011

Has he been to your house without your parents before? I'd have your mom drop him off for a little while just to show him that she'll be back for him. Like a play date.

You could also have your mom leave a shirt or nightgown that she's slept in for him, then he'll have her familiar smell to cuddle with.
posted by TooFewShoes at 8:31 AM on October 21, 2011

He should be fine. He knows you, the house and has a playmate he likes, me most likely thinks of you as part of his extended pack.

I'd have your mum bring some of his familar things from home, maybe his bed and a few of his toys and as he's close to your mum something with her smell on for him to snuggle. Maybe have a few treats for your dog and him, a kong with pb in it or a chew toy/cow toe or something so if he starts stressing you can distract him. Does he like playing ball, maybe have a few of those smaller sized tennis balls you can get for little dogs, a rousing game of fetch all around the living room with your dog will distract him in no time.

If he does get down a nice snuggle with you as long as you are calm and not stressing, if you talk softly and calmly to him and give him some nice gentle pats so then he won't feel that he's been completely abandoned. I figure with a friend dog there to play with though he'll be fine, but remember if he does get a bit sad, all will be forgotten the second he see's his "mother" again.

Also he is a super cutie and it sounds like he's landed on his feet, give the little guy a hug from me.
posted by wwax at 9:44 AM on October 21, 2011

Thanks for the great answers everyone; it definitely helps put things in perspective! We will make sure that we're calm and cool with him. We'll pretend he's going for a play weekend with our dog instead of weekend away from our parents. And i'll definitely get mom to contribute some home-smelling stuff!
posted by Kronur at 3:41 AM on October 22, 2011

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