O Canada, Your Taxes Baffle TT!
October 3, 2011 11:47 AM   Subscribe

Does anyone have any advice about or know a good tax preparer experienced with international wages in LA (Pasadena-ish)?

My father spent part of 2010 working in Vancouver during the Olympics. He's already got his Canadian income taxes filed and dealt with, but is completely baffled on how to handle it with the IRS. He and my mom file joint, itemized, usually through TurboTax but it looks like TT isn't equipped to handle this sort of thing.
He's spoken with the IRS helpline, and has all the various forms needed to include international wages but without TT is pretty lost on what to do.

Any and all advice or recommendations welcome!
posted by ApathyGirl to Work & Money (1 answer total)
Answered by MeFi Mail.
posted by cda at 6:24 PM on October 3, 2011

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