Can anyone advise me on remotely applying to OR state jobs?
September 26, 2011 11:46 AM   Subscribe

Anyone have experience with remotely applying to jobs with the State of Oregon? Can it be done and how did you do it?

Hello! I am working on applying for State jobs in Oregon. The complication is that I am currently in Illinois. The application system is quite nice and easy to use, but I am wondering what is ahead of me when the next steps happen.

Is there anyone out there in Meta land who has navigated this path?

I am ready and willing to head out there for a couple of days if I get a few interviews lined up, but I was wondering if phone interviews were out of the question.

If you have personal experience with state jobs in Oregon, I'd love to hear your experience/take on this!

Thank you!
posted by bobbyno to Work & Money (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Yes, it can be done.

I started applying to jobs with the state while I lived in MI. I went on several phone interviews. I landed my first job once I moved to Oregon, but I got my current job because I impressed them in a phone interview(I had to be out of town).

Always ask for a phone interview if you dont want to travel. At least for the executive branch, a phone interview is a reasonable request that they will accomodate.

Make no mistake, phone interviews are tough and you will almost always be speaking with a panel of three or more. You really need to project yourself. I do know other people hired from their phone interviews however.

What agencies are you looking at?

I'm a recruiter for the state,so pm me for more insight. I can talk more about my experiences, but for anything more on process we need to initiate the professional contact. See, already fun state government speak :)
posted by bombastic at 12:46 PM on September 26, 2011

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