Can you help me track down this statue?
July 20, 2011 5:56 PM   Subscribe

I'm trying to track down a statue of a female wildland firefighter (1, 2). It is about 6" tall and has been in existence for at least a decade.

The statue might be pewter. The subject is a female wildland firefighter digging line with a pulaski.

The statue doesn't have any identifying marks on it anywhere. I've done a bunch of googling, but can't find it (though have found somewhat similar pieces). Ideally, I'd like to find out where I can purchase it, but almost as good would be figuring out the name and/or artist.

posted by RachelSmith to Grab Bag (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Where was the picture taken?
posted by Admiral Haddock at 6:03 PM on July 20, 2011

This is the Pulaski Award.

"The Pulaski Award itself, a 30-inch bronze statue created by Larry Noland, is a model of one of three 8-foot statues of firefighters placed at the Wildland Firefighters Monument in Boise."

Lawrence Nolan has a gallery. Is this what you're searching for? (A shovel, not a pulaski, but worth a look.)
posted by MonkeyToes at 6:28 PM on July 20, 2011

Oooh, party foul. Missed your pic links on first read.
posted by MonkeyToes at 6:45 PM on July 20, 2011

FWIW: "Wildland Firefighter Foundation Humanitarian Award, a 12" bronze statue of a female wildland firefighter." No picture, but perhaps it's worth an email to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation?
posted by MonkeyToes at 6:56 PM on July 20, 2011

FWIW, picture 2 shows initials on the base of the statue. Looks like KD..
posted by jenny76 at 8:06 PM on July 20, 2011

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