SELECT TOP 10 blogs FROM blagosphere WHERE type = 'SQL Server'
July 1, 2011 11:37 AM   Subscribe

Best blogs for SQL Server?

I recently migrated to the DB team at my employer. I'd like to get in the habit of reading the best blogs for SQL Server. I realize this is a wide topic, so particular areas of interest are performance tuning and BI/Data Analytics. I like blogs where the author has a strong opinion on the right way to do things, even if one doesn't necessarily agree with all the methods, and where the author is obviously a technical expert.
posted by bfranklin to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
While I can't speak to which blogs might suit you, there is a massive list of SQL feature team blogs and individual SQL MVPs at the MSDN SQL community site. If the quality is anything like the exchange team, you'll find lots of useful stuff.
posted by anti social order at 1:41 PM on July 1, 2011

Best answer: Not a blog recommendation, but the #sqlhelp hashtag on twitter is EXTREMELY helpful. As a question and a hundred geniuses will come to your aid within minutes.

I'm an SQL Server dev/DBA but I don't know really anything about BI. But in general I would recommend Paul Randal, SQL Rockstar, and the wonderful Adam Machanic.

Anyway, my twitter handle is the same as on here, see you around #sqlhelp sometime!
posted by capnsue at 3:17 PM on July 1, 2011

Duh, that should be "Ask a question.." obviously
posted by capnsue at 3:34 PM on July 1, 2011

Best answer: Brad Schulz's blog is pretty good; there's some stuff on there I've not seen elsewhere (found it via this interesting post).

Brent Ozar's blog is another one to check out, though I've heard he hasn't been posting too much interesting stuff lately compared to his older posts since he's more of a hotshot now.

There's an older question on the same topic on stackoverflow here with some other recommendations.
posted by reptile at 6:00 PM on July 1, 2011

SQL Server Central has a really good range of articles by a large number of authors. They have a question of the day which is great for learning facts in small bites, and they send out a daily newsletter. They also link to particularly good articles on a number of different blogs. I'm in a similar position to your team - I've just migrated the last of the databases I administer over to SQL server. I work on my own, so feeling part of a community of other users was particularly important to me. I've found SSC extremely helpful.
posted by Acheman at 6:52 AM on July 3, 2011

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