Who was Doofernel?
June 27, 2011 1:47 PM

Where or what children's (tv show? classroom teaching guide?) is this song from? Lyrics inside...

It's got something to do with an alien called 'Doofernel' (not sure on spelling - it came from 'Do for now', see lyrics) landing on Earth, trying to make friends with humans. I remember singing it in school in England, it would have been around 1989/1990. Google and searching Ask have failed me so far, so I would love any insights. I know the tune if that helps, but not sure how I would post that!

End of verse:
....Doofernel will do for now if you will talk to me

Talk to me, I want to be your friend.
Talk to me, I want to know who you are
And what you're thinking of.
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me.
posted by atlantica to Media & Arts
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