Mars attacks itself on Earth
January 12, 2011 12:43 AM   Subscribe

In the 70's, a film was made about aliens settling their feuds on Earth. These beings would take human form and then shoot out their differences on neutral ground. There were only two special effects involved; The destruction of their opponent's corpses [ a simple bonfire] and the pre-showdown identification of the same with special sun-glasses [suck on it 'theylive'] . What drew me in as a child [aside from the weirdly bland fires] was the relationship between the alien and the human girlfriend he hid behind. Without throwing in a spoiler, the last shot haunts me to this day. I ask because I am working on a script that leans on this work and I will be asked where my inspiration comes from. Plus I would like to see it again.
posted by qinn to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Another vote for "The Love War." I haven't seen this movie in more than 20 years, but it has to be what you're talking about. Do you remember where the winning alien turns a key (button?) in the loser's belly-button and the loser burns up?
posted by at 5:29 AM on January 12, 2011

Response by poster: Thank you very much. It definitly looks right, but a belly button key? Really?
I'm not sure now if my script idea is looking solid or very, very tame.
I never would have come up with a BB bomb.
Thanks again.
posted by qinn at 11:46 PM on January 12, 2011

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