Kafka-Esque world of Google Help is driving me nuts
January 6, 2011 7:53 AM   Subscribe

How do I get (any) support for Google Places bulk uploads?

Uploaded a bulk file to Google Places 2 1/2 months ago and submitted it. Google says it should take 2-4 weeks. 5 weeks hadn't heard anything so re-submitted for verification. Got email from google - "you already submitted this. No need to resubmit."

5 more weeks later and still nothing. Tried calling adwords sales hoping that since I can't buy adwords until my locations are set they would help. Redirected me to the same help page I looked at multiple times already. I am trying to give them money, yet still nothing.

Anyone else anyone think I can turn to? There has got to be somebody at google that can flag this to make sure it gets looked at and uploaded.
posted by UMDirector to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
I'm not sure what help page you were sent to, but have you been here:
Contacting Places Support
posted by willnot at 5:40 PM on January 6, 2011

Looks like you need to complete a form to request verification over and beyond submitting it. Not sure if you've done that or not.
posted by willnot at 5:48 PM on January 6, 2011

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