Help me find Lincoln Park, abandoned amusement park!
November 22, 2010 6:16 AM   Subscribe

Does anyone know anything about the abandoned amusement park Lincoln Park, in Dartmouth, MA just outside New Bedford? I am specifically looking for directions there - I drove there this morning and could see the abandoned Comet rollercoaster from afar but could NOT figure out how to get onto the property except by climbing the fence on Route 6. I'm supposed to have photographs from this site tomorrow: HELP! Of course any other histories, memories, etc would be great, too. Thanks hive!
posted by betsbillabong to Travel & Transportation around Dartmouth, MA (10 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
There is a Friends of Lincoln Park Dartmouth group on Facebook (sorry, having trouble linking). Someone answered a similar question about getting access to the grounds on the group's Wall just last week.
posted by dywypi at 6:27 AM on November 22, 2010
posted by fozzie33 at 6:33 AM on November 22, 2010

if you google maps this location, it looks like a gate, might be easier to get in...
posted by fozzie33 at 6:36 AM on November 22, 2010

There are a couple of businesses that back up to it on State Road, might just park there and go through the trees for cover. Not that I've ever seen a lot of cops on Route 6 during the day. Maybe explain what you're doing and ask at one of the businesses to see if they have any advice about how the local bad seeds get in there.

You'll probably have more fun than I ever did when the place was open.
posted by yerfatma at 7:55 AM on November 22, 2010

Ahh Lincoln Park. My grandfather managed the main arcade there from like 1980 until the park closed in ... 1990? My grandmother worked at the arcade's "prize counter" giving away the cheap shit you got for your skeeball tickets; cousins worked there many summers. It was a special place for us and I've gotta say it's pretty sweet just to say "yeah, my grandfather worked at an amusement park." Anyway, I live far away from the SouthCoast now but about 5 years ago on a visit back, decided I had to get in and take some pics. They came out terrible but I can offer some practical advice:

Fozzie33's second link to that gate on Reed Road looks like the best option. HOWEVER, if you look at the map you'll see a sort of junkyard looking place across the street. Let's just say these people are not very friendly. I wouldn't leave my car nearby to jump the gate because they will give you trouble. We parked near there for a bit scoping things out and people came out shouting at us from one of the houses.

What we ended up doing was to park at the driving range on Rt 6 just across the street from LP. Now, this was in the summer, so lots of cars in the lot, etc. This time of year, not sure if it's the best place. Don't want to be the only car in a big empty lot. You can also try just west on Rt 6 and park at the Lakesider.

Once you work out a smart place to park that won't attract attention, run across Rt 6 and head down Beeden Road. There'll be a spot about I dunno 300-500 yards down the road where there is a big spot between the houses on the other side of the street, so people shouldn't be able to see you. Scope it out and then jump the fence. And yeah, you're prolly gonna have to scale/jump the fence. This said, some sections were nearly falling down when I was there so it wasn't that tricky. I would print a copy of the Google satellite map so you have something to help you with your bearings once you're inside. It's not that big or anything but can be a little disorientating.

Last thing: Dartmouth cops are so used to people trying to get into the park they've kinda given up on being very diligent about keeping people out. I mean, you've got one of the area's only collegiate fine arts programs over at UMass Dartmouth and a "picturesque" abandoned amusement park nearby -- do the math. If you get seen or nicked, etc. just make it very very clear that "I'm here to take pictures". Even dress a bit "artsily" and it will help your case. If you're not there with a big group of kids drinking, doing drugs, or making a mess of things they'll likely just give you a warning and let you go.

Good luck with your adventure!! I'm more than happy to provide any other info but not sure I would have anything else that useful... Could put you in touch with one of my cousins if you're looking for some funny "high school summer job at the amusement park" stories.
posted by lazywhinerkid at 1:03 PM on November 22, 2010 [3 favorites]

Response by poster: Wow, you all rock! Especially your super insider knowledge, lazywhinerkid. Thank you MeFi!

I am thinking of parking on Beeden place around the corner, just off Route 6/177. Then walking to Beeden road and doing what you suggested.

I'll report back! Will try to be there at sunrise tomorrow.
posted by betsbillabong at 2:19 PM on November 22, 2010

how did it go?
posted by fozzie33 at 9:49 AM on November 23, 2010

I have this mental image of betsbillabong sitting in a Dartmouth jail cell right now thinking "Damn that &$#@ lazywhinerkid, these cops aren't relaxed at all!" Heh, hope it all went well; do let us know!
posted by lazywhinerkid at 5:18 PM on November 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: thank you all, especially fozzie and lazywhinerkid, and i am so sorry for not getting back to you! i left the country shortly after the project was complete.

yes, i was able to get onto the site and it was great! i took a lot of photographs and even met a wonderful kid who lives nearby and hangs out there every afternoon after school, who showed me around.

you totally don't have to jump the fence these days. i was probably a little paranoid and parked at the dunkin donuts down the street and walked around and got in where the parking lot used to be, i think. i can't remember which street, now. it's a really amazing place. i'll be back. using the gps on my iphone made it a lot easier to figure out where to get in.

here's a project i made from my trip:

thank you mefi!

posted by betsbillabong at 9:25 AM on January 23, 2011

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