Time to Cut The Cord
March 5, 2005 6:30 PM   Subscribe

I want to have my Panasonic ReplayTV ShowStopper (PV-HS2000) make its nightly outgoing calls to download the showtimes via my cell phone so that I can dump my landline. I have a Nokia 3650 and am using ATTWS/Cingular. How do I do this?

I found this thing called Cellsocket, but it doesn't work with my phone. I also found this Nokia HDA-9 adaptor for my phone for TTY machines but I don't think that'll work 'cause it looks like it uses a 1/8th inch jack rather than an RJ-11 jack. What do you use to plug your phone/replay/tivo/whatever into your cell to make outgoing calls via the cell?
posted by pwb503 to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Does the ReplayTV have a menu option for using an external modem instead of the internal one? If so, your best bet is to use your phone as a modem through the serial port.

Using the RJ-11 to play the built-in modem sounds over a cellphone isn't going to happen because of the low fidelity of the line. That Nokia adapter you linked to only works because TTY machines use a 300 baud modem. I doubt the ReplayTV will try a rate that low.

The Cellsocket people mention this problem in their FAQ.
posted by cillit bang at 8:50 PM on March 5, 2005

Do you have a broadband connection? This forum links to a tutorial that claims to show how to get a modem-based Showstopper to work via broadband. Here's another discussion thread on the problem. The solution they use involves Freesco, a single-floppy based distribution of Linux.
posted by bachelor#3 at 9:43 PM on March 5, 2005

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