Voices Underground
June 17, 2010 1:00 AM   Subscribe

Is there any resource for finding specific phrases or types of phrase in dead and/or archaic languages?

I have a story idea that I'm working on, but I'm impeded from making much headway by the fact that the only non-English language I speak is a wee bit of Spanish. I would like some snippets of chatter from people long-dead to add flavor; specifically, I want angry, aggressive phrases or battle cries or bits of tragic poetry. Bonus points if it's from an indigenous tribe from somewhere in the southern US and Americas in general, but given the patchwork nature of the USA I'm okay with bits from anywhere.

Anyone have any resources and/or ancient battle cries ready to hand?
posted by Scattercat to Grab Bag (1 answer total)
Do you have a time period? Pre and Post colonial Americas are radically different.
posted by Think_Long at 7:42 AM on June 17, 2010

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