Embeddable, Real-Time World Cup Scores for Any Site?
May 27, 2010 10:09 AM   Subscribe

Are there any good embeddable World Cup Soccer / Football schedules and scores tools for websites?

I am unable to re-find a World Cup real-time score table embed I saw somewhere. I'd like to put this on my organization's site as "bells and whistles" to accompany a World Cup charity content series we're doing.

I think what I saw might have been Wordpress-only. I need something that I can pop into any webpage. Then again, if you're familiar with the Wordpress or Drupal thing and think that it can be easily repurposed, do tell!

Ideally, it would show current scores, teams, locations. Little flags and customizability would be great.
posted by metajc to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Best answer: At the very least you can get a Google Calendar embedded that has final scores in it. I don't know how often they update, but I do know that it's 1:45 EST when I'm posting this and the score for the South Africa/Mexico game that ended around noon is on my calendar with the score for that game in the event name so I don't have to "edit" the event to see the score.

This site has a link to the calendar and has instructions for changing the time zone if you need to.
posted by theichibun at 10:50 AM on June 11, 2010

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