How do I wash this mattress cover?
April 4, 2010 3:37 PM

Which part of my mattress cover am I supposed to wash? Do I unzip it and just wash the "cloth" part, or do I also wash the plastic lining?

When we got our new mattress recently, we got a free upgrade to the "fancy" mattress cover, which has a sort of plastic liner thing that zips in. We're washing it for the first time, and we can't figure out if we're supposed to wash the whole thing or not. The plastic is sort of dusty from being on the truck during our recent move. The tag on the mattress cover just says to wash in lukewarm and dry on cold, but it doesn't specify whether or not we're supposed to separate the two sections.
posted by infinitywaltz to Home & Garden (1 answer total)
From the always helpful How to Clean Stuff.
posted by netbros at 5:35 PM on April 4, 2010

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