.HTA application launcher ... is it that hard to do?
February 23, 2010 3:32 AM   Subscribe

I've been trying to write a .hta file that will show the contents of a directory in the "medium icons" style, that won't let me accidentally change the style, and that doesn't have any navigation options.

This is for an application launcher, I have all my icons in one directory and I'd like to have an app launcher that always shows them.

Does anyone have any HTA chops, or has seen a similar tool?

posted by Admira to Technology (2 answers total)
It might be easier to write a PHP program to list the contents of the directory.
posted by delmoi at 5:00 AM on February 23, 2010

Best answer: Then you can use psexec to launch local applications using PHP with proc_open.



$cmdline="C:\\apache2.2\\htdocs\\psexec.exe \\\\localhost -accepteula -i -d \"C:\\program files\\path\\to\\exe.exe\" && exit";

$proc=proc_open($cmdline, $var1, $var2);


Sometimes using && exit will work, sometimes not.
Also only use proc_close if the psexec stays open after program execution. (that's what && exit should be for)
posted by PowerCat at 6:07 AM on February 23, 2010

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