Looking for a ukiyo-e print by Kotozuka Eiichi titled "Former Imperial Palace in Kyoto" and printed by Uchida Woodblock Printing Co. Ltd.
January 15, 2005 8:02 AM

Japanese art question: Looking for a ukiyo-e print by Kotozuka Eiichi (????) titled "Former Imperial Palace in Kyoto" and printed by the "Uchida Woodblock Printing Co. Ltd." (More inside)

My mom worked as a framer for some time and wrote down the information about this picture when she framed it years ago; now we're trying to find it (for sale, ideally, though at this point I just want to see it.) This is exactly what she wrote down:

Wood-block Printings
by E. Kotozuka
Former Imperial Parace in Kyoto
Uchida Woodblock Printing Co, Ltd.
Marutamachi St., Kawaramachi-nishi
Kyoto, Japan

The publishing company is apparently long gone, I don't know enough Japanese to know what the kanji or term for "former imperial palace" would be, and for some reason, if you type the kanji for the artist's name into Google, nothing comes up -- despite the fact that pages with his name on them are listed if you search for, say, just his family name.

I've found other examples of his artwork, but not this particular one. Can anyone help?
posted by shirobara to Media & Arts (4 answers total)
Locally the former imperial palace is known as Kyoto Gosho. That address is nearby, so I can take a look for you. I found a company in the hood named Uchida selling art including ukiyo-e at the handicraft center, no idea if it's the same one.
posted by planetkyoto at 8:17 AM on January 15, 2005

Uchida is in business and on line here.
I have two reproduction ukiyo-e prints that I bought at Goodwill some time ago, thanks for the reminder!
posted by Floydd at 10:25 AM on January 15, 2005

The Uchida Art Co. page I found.
posted by planetkyoto at 3:29 PM on January 15, 2005

I called. They've got an ukiyo-e of Kyoto Gosho by Kotozuka at Uchida at the address in the link above, and it's ¥8,500. The print was pulled about 10 years ago.
posted by planetkyoto at 8:55 PM on January 19, 2005

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