Get smarter response and link?
December 3, 2009 10:41 AM   Subscribe

That answer that included a link to a website where you did some stuff that made you smarter... I forgot where I saw it.

Sometime in the last month or so, there was a response to a question that mentioned and linked to a site where you were asked to do a series of tasks that were supposed to make you smarter. It had something to do with doing somewhat contradictory things at the same time. Like (but maybe not exactly) being able to tell that the letters in the word "red" were in a blue font. It was linked to some apparently respectable research on intelligence. You started with two of these contradictory things, then three, then four, etc.

Obviously I need it, because I can't remember where I saw it and my searching on terms like "intelligence" "smarter" "tests" isn't turning up anything familiar. Or did I make this up?
posted by RandlePatrickMcMurphy to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 26 users marked this as a favorite
I don't know if this is the specific site but SharpBrains has a lot of good resources. The color/font exercise is the Stroop Test
posted by Gusaroo at 10:54 AM on December 3, 2009

Best answer: Here.
posted by roofone at 10:55 AM on December 3, 2009

I don't know of the response, but I've used Actibrain in the past and it has tests that are similar to the one you mention.
posted by Solomon at 10:56 AM on December 3, 2009

Was it Brainworkshop?
posted by ook at 11:01 AM on December 3, 2009

posted by mikepop at 11:51 AM on December 3, 2009

It was this question, and this website.
posted by grapesaresour at 1:36 PM on December 3, 2009 [1 favorite]

The task you're describing is called a "Stroop task", if you're interested in googling more effectively for it.
posted by a snickering nuthatch at 4:09 PM on December 3, 2009

Response by poster: Soak Your Head was specifically what I remembered and was looking for, but everything else suggested was very interesting and useful.

posted by RandlePatrickMcMurphy at 1:45 PM on December 7, 2009

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