Need Camera help
October 13, 2009 2:29 PM

Camera question: Just bought a Samsung TL100 12.2 megapixal - slim and cute. Tried to load photos on my computer and did not work. Please help.

I just tried to load photos on my computer for the first time using a brand new Samsung TL100 12.2 megapixel camera. I loaded the software and also tried using picasa to load the pictures. The computer registered that hardware was connected but never registered the pictures. Now after connecting the camera to my computer, I can no longer turn the camera off or on but the screen appears to be on...hard to describe. Did my computer just fry my camera? The whole reason i have a new one is because this just happened when i loaded pics from my old camera to my computer - after loading successfully, my old camera stopped turning on and would not even charge. I assumed the lithium batter was done and upgraded to a new camera. Please help me decide what to do - do I take the camera back? Is it my computer? I"m trying to charge the camera but it will not turn on or off....
posted by dmbfan93 to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Addressing the "can't turn off the camera" part of the question,

Is your computer a PC or a mac?

Can you find the device in finder (mac) or explorer (PC)?

If yes, what happens when you push the eject button (mac) or select eject/disconnect from the right-click menu (pc)?

If no, I have no further suggestions in mac-land, but for a PC, go into control-panel->administrative-tools->computer management->device manager, do you see any yellow exclamation point marked devices? If yes, try selecting "disable" from the right-click menu.
posted by nomisxid at 3:20 PM on October 13, 2009

Don't know that camera, but if you can remove and reinsert the battery , that should get you back to "OFF" mode.
posted by Agamenticus at 7:41 PM on October 13, 2009

Take it back

(get a Canon)
posted by ijoyner at 9:57 PM on October 13, 2009

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