I need iTunes in my life but it won't install properly.
September 13, 2009 10:37 AM   Subscribe

How can I get this dangnabit iTunes download to work?

OK folks, I was trying to upgrade to iTunes 9 and have run into a snag.

I'm working on an iBook G4, OS 10.4.11. I was running the update and it failed to install properly because I didn't have enough memory at the time (I was running multiple programs and my computer had been on a for a while). Now I cannot open iTunes because the version I have is "corrupted." So, I re-downloaded the installer after freeing up more memory (I'm now working with about 2 GB).

When I open the mounted file thing, all I see is the itunes.mpkg as a blank file; it doesn't look like an open box, just a blank sheet of paper. When I click on it, I get the error message "The destination folder 'iTunes 9" is on a locked volume. Please select another volume destination." Then I get a box to "select a folder to expand the archive in." I selected desktop, and get "An error occurred attempting to expand 'iTunes 9.' A file was specified where a folder was required."

This sort of thing has happened to me before, and the IT guy told me that my computer had lost the ability to associate that .mpkg with a certain program. I have no idea how he got back that ability though.

If someone could please offer some insight into how I can get iTunes re-installed, or even revert back to an older version, that would be great.
posted by fantine to Technology (6 answers total)
iTunes 9 horror stories are becoming legion.

Old versions of iTunes available here.
posted by Joe Beese at 10:44 AM on September 13, 2009

Oh, sorry... forgot you were Mac. Can't find any links for those.
posted by Joe Beese at 10:46 AM on September 13, 2009

Response by poster: OK, I dug around in the support downloads archive from apple.com and downloaded iTunes 8.0.2. When I opened the download, I still get the same blank page look for the .mkpg so this looks like an issue with my computer.
posted by fantine at 11:06 AM on September 13, 2009

Do you still have the first installer's disc image mounted? If so, unmount it and try again.

Delete the corrupted iTunes.app (in user/Applications)

fix permissions (using disk utility, in Applications/Utilities

delete the receipt for iTunes (user/Library/Receipts or root/Library/Receipts) (root being "Macintosh HD" or whatever your boot drive is called)
posted by KenManiac at 12:55 PM on September 13, 2009

Response by poster: KenManiac, will deleting the corrupted iTunes.app endanger my iTunes content?
posted by fantine at 1:57 PM on September 13, 2009

No, your music is usually under $HOME/Music/iTunes, not the app itself. You should check, and you should back that folder up to an external device (it sounds like you have file system issues). I would run a Repair Permissions and Verify Disk from the Disk Utility.
posted by chairface at 8:07 PM on September 13, 2009

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