Help me find "Living Famously"
September 3, 2009 12:07 AM   Subscribe

Can anyone help me track down a documentary series called "Living Famously"?

That link goes to the Australia ABC site which screened the series in about 2004.

Details of the series here from 2002 MIPCOM:

Documentary/ 25 x 60’
Language: English
Producer: BBC
Cast: James Dean, Marvin Gaye, Laurel
and Hardy, Peter Sellers, Karen Carpenter
Delivery status: in production
Year of production: 2002, Country of
origin: UK
A stunning series of biographical portraits
revealing the true stories of the lives of 25
of the greatest names in international

(From the ABC Australia site: Camera/Director: Cassie Farrell)

It hasn't screened in Australia since then, nor can I find any reference to it on the BBC site. I am particularly interested in the episodes that covered classic Hollywood, because the collection paints an interesting portrait of how entangled the lives of certain celebrities were during the 30s and 40s.

Is this series for sale anywhere? Online? Torrents? I am actually happy to pay for it if it's for sale anywhere, but my Google Fu isn't working if that's true.

I almost doubted the series existed (as a series, I thought it might have been old A&E bio episodes repurposed for screening here) - couldn't quite remember its name, until I searched the ABC Australia site (Lana Turner, who I knew had been profiled, led me to its name).

Now I find it odd I can barely find it referenced anywhere - ie. it doesn't seem to be on IMDB at all!
posted by crossoverman to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Here is a link to a torrent of the documentary (and its episodes in the comment section @tpb.)
posted by fleetwoodmeta at 12:35 AM on September 3, 2009

Response by poster: Here is a link to a torrent of the documentary (and its episodes in the comment section @tpb.)

While the first torrent is for the "Laurel & Hardy" episode of the documentary series, the torrents in the comments section are for Laurel & Hardy films - not other episodes of the series.

posted by crossoverman at 1:39 AM on September 4, 2009

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