Shopping for Someone to Shop for Something
August 14, 2009 11:10 AM   Subscribe

How do I shop for an independent health insurance agent in Philadelphia?

My current job situation does not provide health insurance (I'm a contractor), so I would like to obtain personal independent insurance. From what I've read in books and online, it's not a bad idea to get an agent that knows what is available in my area and can help me find the best plan for my specific needs. I'm having a hard time, however, figuring out where to start shopping for an agent to help me shop for a plan.

Angles I've tried or am trying:
* I know about but think I could still use the assistance of an agent
* I've contacted the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and they refused to give me a listing of licensed agents and suggest that I use the yellow pages (what is this, 1962?)
* I've contacted the Association of Health Insurance Advisors and they sent me a list of all agents registered with them in Pennsylvania including their certifications. I've whittled this down to three people that are Registered Health Underwriters and are located in and around Philadelphia, but I have no idea what level of credibility the AHIA has and whether there are other (possibly better) agents out there that I'm missing out on by going this route.
* I know that the best way to do this is through recommendations, but I have no friends or contacts that have independent health insurance in the area (and I ask basically everyone I meet).

Does anyone have any resources I could use to shop for agents? Should I just forgo the agent and shop directly for an insurance policy myself (since I'm already spending so much time on this)? I have many questions that I feel would not be answered if I buy the policy directly.
posted by nomad to Health & Fitness (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This kind of thing normally comes down to personal recommendations. If you know anyone who works in HR, they might be able to give you a name of someone they work with. Otherwise, I would just ask local family and friends. I get health insurance through my work, so I don't have a local recommendation for you.
posted by bunnycup at 2:32 PM on August 14, 2009

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