Streaming Japanese Radio
December 5, 2004 8:31 PM

I'm looking for streaming Japanese-language talk or news radio. Specifically, I'm looking for a live feed rather than short clips (the latter of which I seem to find tons of), and preferably low-bandwidth audio-only rather than video. I don't read Japanese, so searching is difficult.
posted by tirade to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You can try the Japanese national broadcaster, NHK. Grab a live stream from here.
posted by Cryptical Envelopment at 9:08 PM on December 5, 2004

Is mine your only answer? I bet there is a Japanese Howard Stern one click away. Let us know what you find. Not that we would understand it...
posted by Cryptical Envelopment at 11:55 PM on December 6, 2004

Sorry for not getting back to you, Cryptical. Yours was my only answer, but it was a good one. I had originally passed up NHK because I tuned in during large blocks of programming in multiple languages. Your link prompted me to take another look at the schedule, and lo and behold, the vast majority of the programming is actually in Japanese. So thanks for that.

I agree that a country like Japan must have tons of streaming talk, and hopefully I'll be able to find some more easily when I get a better grasp of the language. Until then, NHK will do fine.
posted by tirade at 2:50 PM on December 12, 2004

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