Where is my vagina owner's manual?
June 19, 2009 8:30 AM

TMI Filter: Is this normal vagina behavior? (NSFW)

I've been having (relatively vigorous) vaginal sex with a newish partner. We had sex maybe three times in the past two days. My vagina now feels sort of puffy and inflamed. Last night it even took some effort to achieve penetration; it was not really painful, just difficult. Once we got going it was fine. In the past I have experienced some soreness immediately after intercourse, but this seems to be persisting. I've only had a yeast infection once, several years ago, and that involved a lot of discharge. There is no discharge whatsoever in this case; in fact, my vag feels unusally dry.

Yes, I know I should see a doctor. But I can't get an appointment at my regular clinic until mid-next week. So before I drop a big chunk of change at an urgent care place this weekend, I am appealing the ladies of metafiler. Is this attributable to simply having more sex than I've been accustomed to recently? Other vagina owners, does this sound like normal "wear and tear," or something more serious? We are not using spermicide or condoms or any other substance that could be provoking an allergic reaction. Is this within the normal range of vagina behavior? Throwaway email: ohmyvag@gmail.com
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (18 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You say you are "not using spermicide....or a ny other substance that could be provoking an allergic reaction." If this means that you are ALSO not using lube, then that could very well be the problem right there. Especially since you say things feel drier than usual.

Yeah, this definitely sounds like you didn't use enough -- or any -- lube, and that you basically have given yourself the equivalent of an internal rug burn.

Get some lube, apply copiously, and go forth and boink. Repeat as necessary.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:33 AM on June 19, 2009

...Or as desired.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:34 AM on June 19, 2009

"any other substance that could be provoking an allergic reaction"

This is a long shot, but it took me a while to find out when I first started dating my boyfriend that

A) he put hot sauce on everything

B) he got hot sauce all over his hands when he ate

C) he wasn't washing his hands before fooling around with me
posted by Juliet Banana at 8:35 AM on June 19, 2009

Yes "internal rug burn" sounds about right. This sounds totally normal. Be careful since you don't want to wind up with honeymoon cystitis. More lube, pee after sex, try some less-penetrative stuff if it's really bothering you. Enjoy.
posted by jessamyn at 8:35 AM on June 19, 2009

I will wade in here, even though I am not an owner of a vagina. Nor AIAD.

I had a partner once, in this situation, and she went to the DR and got anti-inflammatory meds, which helped.

So maybe some ibuprofen, just to see if the condition responds.

Good luck.
posted by Danf at 8:36 AM on June 19, 2009

This is in the normal range, especially if you're being newly and especially vigorous after a dry spell. Any tissue will swell if you irritate it with constant friction. Try a dab of lube to get started; tons of friction and swelling will make you feel drier, even if you're adequately aroused.
posted by headspace at 8:36 AM on June 19, 2009

pretty normal. a big bottle of lube might do the trick :)
posted by crawfo at 8:38 AM on June 19, 2009

Yep. More lube, you're frictioned out.
Happened to me once when a partner had a friend staying in his house and decided to show off for him by having sex for a long. long. long. time. I had to icepack the business for a couple of days.
posted by Billegible at 8:41 AM on June 19, 2009

I get this ALOT, lube is the answer, remembering to apply it when 'in the moment' is the problem. Make a game out of it.
posted by Neonshock at 8:45 AM on June 19, 2009

To agree with everyone else, puffy and inflammed sounds like "had a bunch of sex recently" type wear and tear. Agreeing with everyone else about the lube. Keep some at your house, and some at his, or wherever it is that you get down.
posted by teragram at 9:01 AM on June 19, 2009

Pay attention if it gets worse. No slice of deep dick pizza is worth hoo-haw misery! Maybe lay off for a few days and see if conditions improve. As someone who's had a UTI and a yeast infection at the same time after no sex for, like, ever, then sex like you describe, it ain't pretty. And, FWIW, not all yeast infections involve discharge.
posted by ShadePlant at 9:30 AM on June 19, 2009

Agree with the other posters. Also, I agree that you definitely do not want to get to the point that you get honeymoon cystitis.
posted by Ostara at 9:53 AM on June 19, 2009

Just to reassure you: There's a reason why women sometimes talk about having so much sex in a weekend that they walk funny. You are saddle-sore. The ibuprofen is actually a good idea for home treatment. So is asking your new partner for a little break -- "Hon, my _______ (put euphemism of choice here) is saddle-sore. How about a movie?"
posted by lleachie at 10:38 AM on June 19, 2009

[I know people mean well with all the GET TESTED comments, but it's really out of range for this question]
posted by jessamyn at 1:20 PM on June 19, 2009

Yeah, normal. And uncomfortable. I would also suggest, in addition to the wise lube chorus above, that you drink a lot of water and unsweetened cranberry juice. It is very common for this phase to be quickly followed by a UTI - that's why it's quaintly called honeymoon cystitis, and it is the screaming nellies of suckage.
posted by DarlingBri at 1:57 PM on June 19, 2009

When you do use lube, be sure it's *not* spermicidal. Something water based with the bare minimum of ingredients. Try to stay away from glycerin if you're already irritated - you don't want to *trigger* a yeast infection. If you're just gonna stop by your local drugstore - Astroglide is your best bet. If you have a sex shop available to you, Slippery Stuff and Liquid Silk are quite good.
posted by grapefruitmoon at 2:09 PM on June 19, 2009

As far as the allergies go, I once had a BF whose semen I was allergic to. Made my vag all puffy and sore and burny-feeling. It was decidedly not awesome.
posted by mollymayhem at 4:24 PM on June 19, 2009

Just chiming in to say if you've reached what I like to call SPS (Sore Pussy Syndrome) sometimes lube can be a bad. I use liquid silk, and I quite love it, but if I use it when I've been having sex for awhile, or frequently in one night, and I'm all swollen and in pain... it stings like crazy. It hurts really really bad. So just... proceed lightly with the lube if you're already in pain. Or else use it before the pain shows up. :)
posted by dithmer at 9:44 AM on June 20, 2009

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