My ding-a-ling, my Dong-a-long, I want to play with my Dongle-Long
June 6, 2009 6:10 PM   Subscribe

I found three parallel port dongles and have no idea what software they go to.

While cleaning up, I found three parallel port dongles. They are all Sentinel Superpros manufactured by Rainbow Technologies and are probably related (same typeface and similar SRB numbers on each).

Here's the info:

ADEC0210 (Advanced Encoder): Unlimited
DVPM0210: unlimited
DMAE0210: unlimited

I believe they are DVD-related. I probably do not have the original software discs. It's quite likely the dongles are practically worthless, but it's driving me nuts as to what they could be. Does anyone know?
posted by infinitewindow to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Best answer: I've owned a few Rainbow dongles and you might be SOL since a lot of software hands out identical ones. Sort of like if you had a candy bar in lot number A2313-4, you probably wouldn't be able to identify the store it came from. Lots get split between stores, and the manufacturer doesn't release that information anyway. Plus, if they're Rainbow and they're parallel, they're pretty old and any records of them might have been flushed.

You might try SafeNet's support site to see if there's someone in tech support who can help you. (If I remember correctly that's who Rainbow eventually became.)
posted by Ookseer at 10:14 PM on June 6, 2009

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