Help finding calypso music by John L?
April 21, 2009 9:29 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for music by this calypso musician, John L Nichols, who usually just went by "John L". I'll buy it in any format, download it, stream it, whatever. I just really want some.

I first heard him on Muriel's Treasure, WFMU's calypso program, and I absolutely fell in LOVE with his voice. It's hard to track down a guy called "John L", on the internet though.
posted by tinyfolk to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
eBay item # 360128494221
posted by Dr.Pill at 12:27 PM on April 21, 2009

I feel bad as a Trinidadian that I have never heard of this person and cannot help you.

But I think you should consider using Irwin (who appears to host the show?)'s contact form. Good luck!
posted by two or three cars parked under the stars at 5:17 PM on April 21, 2009

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