Getting video footage to youtube?
April 15, 2009 1:08 PM   Subscribe

How do I get video footage from a Sony, DCR-TRV900, video camera to youtube?
posted by tangyraspberry to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Best answer: If you've got firewire out, you can hook it to the firewire port on your mac and use iMovie to import it. iMovie 2008+ has YouTube specific settings that will auto-upload it for you after you've entered your YT account information.
posted by unixrat at 1:11 PM on April 15, 2009 [1 favorite]

unixrat is right, and according to the Sony product page, it does have firewire(IEEE 1394, also referred to by Sony as i.LINK) out.
posted by owtytrof at 1:14 PM on April 15, 2009

Response by poster: Thank you!
posted by tangyraspberry at 10:37 AM on April 16, 2009

Response by poster: Does iMovie have a PC version?
posted by tangyraspberry at 10:39 AM on April 16, 2009

No, sorry. I didn't know you wanted a Windows version - the question didn't say.
posted by unixrat at 10:41 AM on April 16, 2009

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