Louder Ringtone
November 2, 2004 1:20 PM   Subscribe

Forgive me, but I want Bananaphone as my cell phone ringtone. I have it in MP3 format but my LG Vx4400 can't play them. I found a .qcp version, but the volume is way too soft for usefulness. How can I make it louder? [more inside]

I have access to Windows XP, Linux and Mac OS X. I haven't seen an editor for .qcp files, any idea what the format is?. A website I use for reference says there is a known issue with these files on my phone but don't offer any solutions. I assume I'm the volume is the issue.

Alternatively, is there a .mid format around anywhere of this? I mean, of course, the speeded-up version, not the original Raffi one. Thanks.
posted by tommasz to Technology (6 answers total)
Response by poster: I checked the HowardForums, the question about the volume was asked but there were no answers that I could find.
posted by tommasz at 1:25 PM on November 2, 2004

Best answer: The VX4400 actually can play mp3's, but they have to be encoded super low res. Here's how.

I wouldn't even bother w/ QCELP's cuz they are the second worst cell phone format (next to CMX) ever. Granted, the mp3 might not sound much better when you get it down to that size, but...

Are you using BitPim? I've never been able to make it work for me (OSX, cable, etc.). I'd appreciate any tips on connecting w/ the phone.
posted by shotsy at 1:39 PM on November 2, 2004

Oh, I didn't fully read your question. QCELP is a proprietary format, so you are unlikely to find editors, or even encoders publicly available. All QCELPs are very quiet, though I really have no idea why.

I don't think the format is supported on the VX4400, which is probably the root of the trouble w/ that.
posted by shotsy at 1:46 PM on November 2, 2004

Response by poster: I use BitPim, but on Windows XP. It's okay, but pretty basic. I installed the USB drivers from the Verizon Mobile Office Kit, though, perhaps that might help. Thanks for the MP3 tip.
posted by tommasz at 1:46 PM on November 2, 2004

Listen, man, there is no need to ask for forgiveness. By an amazing coincidence, I actually have the VX4400 for my cellphone! AND I made www.bananaphone.org to spread my love. (Self link) Blessings to all of you and thanks for the tips. I am following these instructions now.

Oh crap actually - the site's "how to do this in Windows" link is broken! Can I?
posted by ac at 1:50 PM on November 2, 2004

The bitpim-midi-mpe renaming works fine from my experience. It took getting the right set of drivers to work with the cable. Keep drilling down the Howard Forums.
posted by mss at 2:10 PM on November 2, 2004

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