SWF seeks tall, dark, and aquatic
October 26, 2008 9:25 PM

Where can I find a large stuffed shark in the city of Auckland?

Online shopping isn't an option, as I would like it for this weekend. Yes, halloween-related. Thanks!
posted by troika to Shopping (2 answers total)
You could try the gift shop at Kelly Tarlton's if you are desperate and want to pay tourist prices. And IQ toys is really fast with their shipping (from Cambridge) for this one Or try calling "Nature's Window" or "Nature's Discovery" who sell science-y toys at A Mall Near You. (They are both at Albany for some reason)

(I am assuming you want a plush toy shark and not, like, a taxidermied one!)
posted by slightlybewildered at 9:54 PM on October 26, 2008

To add to that great list above, the Zoo gift store often has large stuffed marine creatures!
posted by teststrip at 10:43 PM on October 26, 2008

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