Boo! Ewww!
October 20, 2008 1:44 PM   Subscribe

What should we be for Halloween? Looking for suggestions for a gory couple’s Halloween costume.

I really like gory: Our best one was “Romeo and Juliet: 6 months after”. I was thinking about doing the shower scene from Psycho this year, but I’m not into walking around with a fake shower hanging over me. The gorier, the better!
posted by cestmoi15 to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (10 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: JFK and Jackie O should be easy and recognisable.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, if you want to go fancy
posted by Jakey at 1:55 PM on October 20, 2008 [1 favorite]

Surgeon and boob job recipient gone wrong.
posted by Fairchild at 2:06 PM on October 20, 2008

I had a friend in college who got a second use out of her wedding dress. She wore the dress with some artistically placed blood sprays and the groom walked around with an axe embedded in his head.
posted by BoscosMom at 2:09 PM on October 20, 2008

Jack and Jill after they fell down the hill? You'd need a spectacular headwound on Jack, bruises galore, several assorted scrapes and gashes, and a bucket of course...
posted by mochapickle at 2:09 PM on October 20, 2008

Post-ambush Bonnie & Clyde zombies
posted by DB Cooper at 2:21 PM on October 20, 2008

Why not make a "dress" out of the shower curtain, with visible ketchup-blood & wounds underneath?

Lizzie Borden's parents - blood/axe on heads, and the number "40" on a t-shirt for the lady, with "41" on the man. (Alternatives: shirt has the word "whack" 40 times, 40 "wounds", etc..)

OJ & Nicole Brown Simpson? Alternatively, Nicole & Ron Goldman?
posted by knile at 2:41 PM on October 20, 2008

Best answer: It requires Victorianesque clothes - Jack the Ripper & his lady-friend.

Big bloody knife & bloody cuffs for Jack.

Rubbery gore mess attached to center of whorishly-over-makeupped Lady Friend.

They were a big hit at one of my parties about 15 years ago.
posted by IAmBroom at 2:50 PM on October 20, 2008

Kurt and Courtney?
posted by padraigin at 9:06 PM on October 20, 2008

Best answer: (some of these images are Not Safe For Work and/or Sanity)

Sadako / Samara and one of her victims from the "Ring" movies.

Jack Nicholson (post-death) and the Bathtub Lady from "The Shining".

Maybe not as gory as you were looking for, but definitely scary if done properly.
posted by Shecky at 9:22 AM on October 21, 2008

Maybe not "gory" but potentially disturbing: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg...gettin' electrocuted?
posted by Neofelis at 4:33 PM on October 23, 2008

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