Ayurvedic diet / medicine?
September 22, 2008 12:01 AM   Subscribe

Anyone have experience with Ayurvedic practices?

Has anyone tried out an ayurvedic diet or medical practice?

For what reason (illness, curiosity...), and what was the result?
posted by Weng to Health & Fitness (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I am a Canadian ex-pat living in India.

I am having some successes with ayurvedic treatment for my RSI. Two other friends of mine did as well.

It's totally anecdotal evidence. Consume with appropriate amount of grains of salt.
posted by gmarceau at 2:54 AM on September 22, 2008

No experience myself, but this article scared me off...
posted by knile at 5:06 AM on September 22, 2008

I studied it some when I got my yoga teaching certificate. I am not very woo-woo and have a great deal of innate resistance to things like that so I have not tried it too much. Still, the idea of finding your body type and coming into balance around that has much to recommend it and I know plenty of people who incorporate Ayurvedic ideas into their lives with good results.

I would look at Dr. Svoboda's Prakriti and Maya Tiwari's A Life of Balance.
posted by shothotbot at 7:20 AM on September 22, 2008

My digestion is very sensitive, tendency to reflux, etc. Tried everything, for many years; nothing helped except this very mild and side-effect-free tonic.
posted by dpcoffin at 8:25 AM on September 22, 2008

Lived in India 10 years, met lots of people, foreigners and locals, who used Ayurveda.

Things I tried and used successfully:


Sat-Isabgol, Psyllium Husk

radish (daikon) leaf juice and lime juice for treating hepatitis A
posted by nickyskye at 7:19 PM on September 22, 2008

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