How do I spoof
August 28, 2008 2:15 PM   Subscribe

Tonight is an historic and important night for America. TVs from all around the country will be tuned in and citizens will be on the edges of their seats, wondering how this event effects the next few months. Of course, I'm talking about college football kicking off tonight! Can anyone help me login to so I won't miss the action?

There are games I want to watch but I'm stuck overseas and my Slingbox seems to be out of order. Does anyone know how to spoof ESPN360 or maybe have an login they wouldn't mind sharing? Or even a Slingbox I could tune into? ESPN360 is only available to viewers with Verizon or ATT as their ISP. I *believe* you can only access the service fro outisde your ISP's area if you have a Verizon account.

If you can help a fellow patriotic American, post info here, send me a PM or email teping(dot)chang(at)gmail.

NC State vs South Carolina at 8pm EST and Oregon State vs Stanford at 9pm EST.

posted by b_thinky to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation

This post was deleted for the following reason: Login spoofing/begging is really not what AskMe is for. -- cortex

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